Monday, September 3, 2007

6.15 // The one with the big fluffy pillow

Can I be honest?
Reading the 5 perspectives of Library 2.0 kind of put me to sleep.

The concept of changing and adapting to the world around us is a great concept. Not only is it something people/business'/things should do, it's something we kind of have to do. Libraries are not the place that people go just to study or research or learn. Kids go to have fun playing games on the computer or hearing stories. Teens go to hang out with friends and work on myspace. Adults go to maybe get a few moments away from their children and make new friends.

Creating a library that has adapted to the people who use it today is a great idea and from what I grasped from these perspectives is that this is what the library is doing... or am I just grasping at straws?

I guess I'm lucky that, not only am I young, but I understand and can easily adapt to technology. Unlike some people who can't figure out how to use the VCR. So I know how to use myspace and I don't need a class to figure out how to start blogging. I had a point here, but now I forget what it was.

I'm done here.

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