Sunday, September 2, 2007

4.8 // The one with the stuff on my cat

I admit, I go to a lot of webpages daily. One of my most frequented is StuffonmyCat. I, personally am not a fan of RSS feeds. I don't know why but there's just something about having it all in one spot that makes it cluttered for me. I always save the sites in my favorites and go to them whenever I want to see them. I'm sure it makes more sense to use RSS feeds and to have them all conveniently there for you to see, but as I've said before, I don't always make sense.

So for the sheer purpose of this activity I created a blogline account and added some RSS feeds.

I recommend checking out:
Stuff on my cat or if you're more of a dog person. The mutt isn't on my RSS feeds list.

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