Sunday, September 2, 2007

5.10 // The one with the ponies

A little bit of playtime.

Well I've had a Yahoo! Avatar, pretty much since they've existed. So here's a peek at my yahoo Avatar.

Yahoo! Avatars

but just so I'm not a cheater and using things I already had...

Made myself some totally Old school 80's things using generators found here on The generator blog! (omg! they use blogger too!)

OK. So first I created a Garbage Pail Kid...

My Garbage Pail Kid

It's an uncreative name... I don't know. She's crying and got beat up and yeah.
Garbage Pail Kid Generator

Then I created a My Little Pony phoenix!

My Little Pegasus Pony

I don't think it necessarily looks like a phoenix? but uh... it's pretty and cute and it's kind of cooler than the Garbage Pail Kid!
So... I created another one!

My Little Dragon Pony

This time a baby boy Dragon Pony.
My Little Pony Generator


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